1881.no – Yellow pages Norway and white pages Norway
The 1881 brand in Norway is synonymous with directory assistance, yellow pages, white pages as well as high quality maps. 1881 is the original within directory inquiries in the Norwegian marketplace and dates back more than 130 years. For updated yellow pages Norway or white pages Norway, whether it is online web, mobile web or mobile apps, the 1881 brand can offer help.
The 1881 brand consists of a variety of different services connected to the yellow pages industry as well as white pages. Through 1881 you can access the following services:
- Yellow pages Internet, yellow pages mobile, yellow pages apps (iPhone and Android)
- White pages internet, white pages mobile, white pages apps (iPhone and Android)
- High quality maps (traditional, photo & satellite, hybrid and bird’s eye view)
- Number, name and company enquiries through SMSManual directory service by calling 1881
The website 1881.no and mobile apps are, subsequently, the natural starting point for all searches for companies and private persons in Norway. The different solutions offer search for private individuals / persons, companies, telephone numbers, adresses and much more. At present there are approximately 100.000 daily changes in the database, making it the most updated telephone directory in Norway. Listed information on private individuals and companies vary, but include name, address, telephone number, telefax, e-mail, website, informative text as well as keywords. For financial figures such as VAT registration number and tax ID number, shareholders, board of directors and other financial information 1881 has a separate brand accessed through www.regnskapstall.no
Currently the services are only available in Norwegian. 1881 should not be confused with the terms Gule Sider or Eniro.